While many of us may like watching or listening to a good storm. What we don’t tend to enjoy as much is the possibility of the potential flooding a storm can bring. This can occur in our residential streets, main thoroughfares, highways, or even parks and buildings. Thankfully we have stormwater pumps to help alleviate the pressures of flooding to our urban environment.
Ideally if we could avoid the use of stormwater pumps we would. But we can’t always rely on gravity to be able to complete the job. This can be due to not having enough gradient in the land to allow gravity to be able to flow towards the municipal system. This is why we need stormwater pumps. As they are able to provide a vital solution for being able to deal with the problem of stormwater drainage.
What is a stormwater pump, and how does it work
Simply put a stormwater pump sits at the bottom of a submerged tank, where stormwater runoff is gathered. Once an adequate amount of water is collected in the tank the pump will activate. Then pumping the stormwater to a predetermined area, where either gravity can take charge again, or where it may be legally discharged.
One of the greatest benefits of the use of the stormwater pumps is preventing water from pooling in areas, where it can cause minor or major flooding, as well as doing serious damage to surfaces such as car parks, gardens, parks, flooring, etc. Depending on where you require the stormwater pump station to be located, and how much rainfall that area is expected to receive, will largely determine the size of the storage tank you will require, along with the size of the pump, which can change form single or dual motors, to varying controls and alarms.
The importance of ensuring you are using the correct equipment for the location the stormwater pump station is situated in is vital. As if you choose a tank or pump size that is too small for your needs, then you run the risk of causing flooding or damages to surrounding properties. Or burning out the motors on the pump or causing structural damage to the pump.

Some other factors to keep in mind for helping to choose the right stormwater pump station are; the distance from the stormwater discharge point. As the further away it is, the greater the power needed will be. Which will also alter the size of the motors, pumps and piping required.
While stormwater pump stations that are larger than 900 litres come as standard with two pumps. Again depending on the location of the station, it may be worth having two pumps for stormwater pump stations that are smaller than 900 litres. As if it is at a remote location and one pump happens to fail, the second pump will be able to start, thus removing the potential for flooding to occur while maintenance can be conducted on the first pump.
If you do need any more information on which pump will best suit your needs, you can also contact our experience and professional team at Pumps2You